Smart Lighting from the Cloud

THE SPANISH TOWN OF POZUELO DE ALARCÓN, located 15 kilometres west of Madrid, now benefits from a state-of-the-art, energy-efficient and centrally controllable lighting solution. Tridonic has equipped the municipality with 2,700 smart, dimmable LED drivers for the entire outdoor area. The town can thus save more than 50 percent in energy costs and take aRead More

Versatile, Low-cost Insulation Resistance Testing

INSULATION RESISTANCE TESTING has evolved over several decades. The fundamental principles of testing insulation resistance have not varied significantly over that time, however, the instrumentation used to measure insulation resistance has improved greatly in capability, accuracy, functionality and usability. Insulation resistance test instruments resistance testers are commonly known as Megohmmeters. One interesting common belief isRead More

Power Backup Considerations for a Post-Pandemic World

TO LOOK BEYOND THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC for many businesses requires contextualizing all the advancements that have helped guide them through it. Megatrends like digital transformation have been accelerated by our circumstances this past year. Innovations that have been introduced won’t be going away or anywhere anytime soon. Electrical contractors should consider how this changing ITRead More

Modern Lighting for a Better Quality of Life

THE SPANISH CITY OF TERRASSA, located around 30 kilometres outside Barcelona, is devoted to climate protection and wants to offer its citizens clean air, a better quality of life and a healthy environment. By modernising more than 29,000 light points, it has now reached an important milestone towards becoming an energy-efficient, eco-friendly city. Tridonic’s dimmableRead More

Updated Arc Flash PPE Hoods and Face Shields Improve User Comfort and Safety

ARC FLASH INCIDENTS are of major concern for personnel working with energized equipment. When first adopted by OSHA in 20061, the arc flash Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) worn by these personnel was often hot, uncomfortable, and cumbersome. Innovations in arc flash PPE, however, are maintaining and even increasing user safety while also improving users’ experienceRead More

Monitoring Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

NUMEROUS SCIENTIFIC STUDIES HAVE PROVEN that aerosols are a major means of transmitting viruses, such as COVID-19. We know today that active virus particles can float in the air longer and further than originally thought and pose a potential danger. This is especially problematic in indoor locations where people typically gather, such as in meetingRead More

AccessESP and Greene Tweed Collaboration Improves Reliability of High-Voltage ESPs

AccessESP, a Houston-based provider of rigless electrical submersible pump (ESP) conveyance solutions for the global oil industry, developed a retrieval technology that reduces costs by enabling quick and easy ESP installation and retrieval using slickline, wireline, or coiled tubing. The system eliminates the need for a workover rig to pull and reinstall an ESP, loweringRead More