One Cool Place

GOAL:To install lighting in a newly constructed 10,000-square-foot floral cooler space owned by K&M Holdings, LLC in Doral, FL that can reliably operate in the setting’s demanding 40-degree environment while delivering high-quality, energy-efficient, long-lasting, and low-maintenance illumination. PRODUCTS INSTALLED:70 SYLVANIA UltraLED Dual Selectable Wide Body Vapor Tight Fixtures from LEDVANCE BENEFITS: The Situation Valued atRead More

Electric Freeze Protection Cables Keep Wastewater Treatment Plants Flowing During Winter Months (PART 1)

FUNDAMENTAL TO LIFE, clean water is perhaps the most important natural resource on the planet. Unfortunately, with the increasing recurrence of droughts, poor management of resources, and climate change, a scarcity of clean water is reaching crisis status. Four billion people — almost two-thirds of the world’s population — experience severe water shortages for atRead More

Commercial Duty Transfer Switches

AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCHES serve to transfer electrical loads from a preferred power source to an alternate source when the preferred source’s voltage and/or frequency varies from preset limits. The switches also retransfer loads when optimal voltage and frequency in the preferred source is restored. Long used in mission-critical, life safety applications like healthcare facilities toRead More

iTOOLco – Changing the way you work

iTOOLco IS A UNIQUE research and development company that has led the electrical tool industry with their groundbreaking designs since 2001. iTOOLco’s inventors & Co-Founders David & Michael Jordan have developed and patented countless innovative products, pushing the envelope of what can be done to improve the lives of electricians and distribution partners alike. iTOOLcoRead More

Choosing a Power Quality Analyzer to Meet Your Accuracy Needs

TODAY THERE ARE MANY CHOICES AVAILABLE when selecting an instrument for power quality analysis. The features and functions vary tremendously across offerings by the manufacturers of these products. Let’s first look at the international standard IEC 61000-4-30. It describes the measurement requirements, and the way power quality analyzers should make measurements. The standard defines theRead More

LED Luminaires Outperform in Demanding Industrial Facilities

HEAVY INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTS such as steel mills, power generation plants, pulp and paper mills, cement production facilities, foundries, mining operations, and shipbuilding yards provide some of the biggest challenges for LED lighting systems. Excessive heat, moisture, vibration, dust and power quality fluctuations caused by harsh production processes can all contribute to premature LED failure, erasingRead More

How Digital Transformation is Redefining Backup Power

Digital transformation was put on the fast track as businesses adjusted amid the COVID-19 pandemic. In just two short years, advancements in distributed IT networks and cloud infrastructure shifted from competitive advantages to business requirements to accommodate new remote work models and streamline operational functions in the face of pandemicrelated challenges. Digital-centric IT strategies willRead More

Top Products 2021

Each year we choose what we believe are Top Products in the Electrical Industry market. This year is no different. The products and services chosen are each unique, beneficial and reliable in their own right. Having the ability to choose the tools and services that best fits your job description and your work style isRead More

Maintaining EV Chargers

ELECTRIC VEHICLES ARE HEADLINE NEWS, BOTH POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE.There have been negative reports of safety issues like car fires. But more important, industry trends fueled by controversy over global warming and issues of the environment and pollution have made electric vehicles the trend of the future. Amid such excitement, it’s easy to overlook fundamentals andRead More