Common Power Quality Disturbances in Metals and Mining Facilities

IN ANY MINING OPERATION, the facility’s infrastructure relies heavily on electric power. However, mining’s harsh conditions, non-linear loads, extensive use of long cables for mobile equipment, complex grounding, and the adoption of ever larger machinery with higher power requirements all challenge the reliability of the power mines depend on to keep operations running 24/7, 365Read More

iTOOLco: 10+ Years of Innovation

iTOOLco IS A UNIQUE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY that has led the electrical tool industry with their groundbreaking designs since 2001. iTOOLco’s inventors & Co-Founders David & Michael Jordan have developed and patented countless innovative products, pushing the envelope of what can be done to improve the lives of electricians and distribution partners alike. AwardedRead More

SP Products

WE STARTED IN 1966 based on more than just making a fair profit. SP Products Inc’s philosophy and dedication to making valid contributions to the industry began with “Econo-Whips”. It was a first prefab concept of organizing a project, streamlining and minimizing errors on the field. No-center stop coupling and prefabricated assemblies followed as aRead More

Seattle-Based Community-Owned Utility Invests in LED Streetlight Upgrade to Improve Safety and Efficiency

OPERATING AS THE LONGEST RUNNING residential and business conservation program in the country, Seattle City Light continues to invest in energy efficiency. Seattle City Light is a community-owned, not-for-profit utility that provides carbon-neutral electricity that is generated primarily from carbon-free hydropower. Its focus is on providing affordable, reliable, and environmentally responsible energy services every dayRead More